
等节目The mission of the 法医学学习实验室 (FSLL) is to provide specialized forensic science education and training for any 德克萨斯南方大学 student interested in pursuing careers in the field of forensic science and to provide training opportunities for current practitioners in the field aspiring to expand and update their knowledge and skills.


  • FORS 226- Introduction to Forensic Science
  • FORS 236-Forensic Evidence and Collection
  • fors416 -法医科学研讨会


The goal of the FSLL program is to prepare individuals with a comprehensive understanding of scientific principles, 概念, 和哲学, which will provide the skills necessary to think critically and ethically in applying knowledge to real-world problems and challenging situations of forensic relevance encountered in the field.

  • Prepare students with a unique skill set, which would allow them to serve as forensic science professionals at the local, 状态, 国内和国际层面.
  • To provide students with an understanding of the standards of professional ethics from legal and personal vantage points as they pertain to careers in forensic science related professions.
  • To prepare students with an understanding of the legal system and process as it relates to forensic science, which will allow them to actively participate in legal proceedings as expert witnesses.


The 法医学学习实验室 has a distinguished faculty with wide-ranging research interests including drug and alcohol pharmacology, 酒精同系物分析, DNA比较分析, 法庭伦理, digital forensics and firearms analysis and comparison. 教师 research provides students with an opportunity to explore recent developments of forensic significance on these and other contemporary justice issues and challenges both in the classroom and the community.


The curriculum and associated programs of the FSLL are intended to provide individuals with the skills and knowledge related to pursuing successful careers in any of the disciplines of the forensic sciences, 包括毒理学, 摩擦脊分析, 数字媒体取证, DNA分析, 以及受控物质分析. The curriculum also prepares students to pursue careers in forensic science as law enforcement officials, forensic science investigators or forensic laboratory specialists, as well as preparing individuals for continuing education in graduate and law school.


fssl-imageThe 法医学学习实验室oratory is a 状态 of the art facility, which hosts a wide array of the cutting edge tools, which are commonly found in contemporary forensic crime laboratories. This unique facility offers hands-on research and training experience in the forensic areas of DNA分析, 受控物质分析, 犯罪现场处理, 痕量证据分析, 枪械分析与比较, and latent print analysis for students and practitioners.

  • Gas Chromatography coupled with Flame Ion Detection (GC-FID)
  • Gas Chromatography (Head-space Analysis)
  • Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)
  • 高效液相色谱法
  • Electron Ionization Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)
  • DNA分析程序
  • 实时PCR热循环仪
  • Bioanaylzer
  • 扫描电子显微镜(SEM)
  • 偏光显微镜(PLM)
  • 比较显微镜
  • 一般的显微镜
  • 超级胶水发烟
  • 交叉匹配生物识别扫描仪
  • 人类学